Author Topic: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?  (Read 6185 times)

Offline bonniebeth

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My husband has always been very supportive, because being a lego collector, he understands me. But just today, he has decided to start collecting playmobil himself.

my mom got me started on playmmobil, and has always liked it. She's into history and wants to collect the romans and egyptians herself.

My dad secretly thinks I'm a little crazy, I think, but he used to do miniature trains in his adult life, so he does understand.

My brother loved playmobil western stuff as a kid, and he still plays with my stuff when he comes over, but he doesn't spend much time thinking about it himself. my sister-in-law thinks its cool.

My friends mostly don't know, but the few that do think I'm crazy.
My playmobil zoo:
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Offline Rasputin

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Interesting responses to how people react

It is easy for me as my parents & friends knew from an early point that I collect things in great amounts. I had thousands of matchbox cars @ pre teen, then dozens of for sale lawnmowers that I acquired through trading cigarettes for @ early teens, then I had a huge collection of n scale trains, then I moved onto cars @ 16. Now I have (I think) 7 cars, 9 trucks, 3 tractors and who knows how much small equipment  :-[.

So as you can see my ridiculously large collection of Playmobil is easy to swallow for everybody who I associate with . The fun part was watching their reaction when they would come into my old office and see it all on display  :lol:  I can not wait till I am done with our new location.

My wife knows better than to criticize me and after all she is mostly German. She knows that Germany makes the best stuff ;)

Some of my friends made movies with my collection for contests at Pixar where they work  8-)

As far as colleagues go, well I am the boss so if they say anything insulting they just get demoted to ditch digger   :whip:

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
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Offline rufusxavier1977

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Well, my better half is totally supportive of my collecting and he is often the one admiring my financial restraint or even encouraging me to buy that special item for myself. He has to be supportive because he has an ever expanding book collection of his own.

Most of my friends think it's pretty cool and really enjoy the humor I put into my displays. My immediate family are mostly unaware of the size of the collection because I never keep all of it out at once. I just rotate displays and since they barely gave it any thought the last time they were over, they don't even notice the display is totally different. But that's because it's no big deal, we all have odd hobbies.

One evening recently a bunch of family and friends (young and old) got into a discussion about "What do you spend money on that most other people would think was crazy. Of course you all know my answer, but I was so pleased to hear about all the crazy things people collect or spend money on: comics, porcelain dolls, action figures, old clocks, DVDs etc. It seemed that everyone had something "crazy" they were into that most people wouldn't ever spend money on. I suddenly felt very normal. :)

Offline skypurr

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2010, 14:27:01 »
I must admit that I wondered what people would think about my collecting Playmobil when I said I would do the Kirkbean exhibition   :-[  but both at the exhibition and since then, people have been surprised but also very impressed that I collect Playmobil.  :D
I have just been to a shop in a nearby village and an elderly lady who had visited the exhibition during the time when I had to go home for something recognised my son and came over to say how wonderful she thought it was that I had such a collection. 
Many people seemed jealous of what we had, the only thing many people seemed to worry about was where we stored it all!  8} 
I did explain that mine is only a small collection and that some people have much much more than me!

Elaine  :)
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Offline highlandcattle

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2010, 11:33:14 »
My girlfriend likes it, she thinks it cozy, she only hates it when she has to watch her step not to break anything.
She prefers my LEGO collection. Still she is going to the Luxoplaymodays with me!

My other friends don't mind and my parents and sisters think it is easy to give me a present. (you can always give me LEGO or Playmobil!)

Offline Gis

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2010, 11:53:57 »
As I wanted to have a source for Playmobil in Germany I contacted one of my colleagues from our German office who also regularly visits our offfice.

First he fully understood my love for Playmobil. He has huge collections of other stuff as well at home so understands collecting and he likes Playmobil a lot. So much infact that he gave me the following quote, which I just had to share:

"The mysterious smile of a Playmobil figure is only rivalled by the Mona Lisa"

He then went on how he used to make stop action movies with his childhood Playmobil. How he KNOWS someone at Playmobil and that if I send him my wishlist he will see what he can do. Also he will happily receive all my packets from Germany as the people in the German office are used to him getting weird packets.

I guess sometimes you get a very different reaction then you expect!

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2010, 14:06:41 »
They refuse to buy me any. It's my birthday in a month and I've been dropping not-so-subtle hints all over the place. But nothing! They think it's a waste of money. They'd rather buy me a letter-opener or something.  ::)
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Offline playmo1989

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2010, 17:33:03 »
They refuse to buy me any. It's my birthday in a month and I've been dropping not-so-subtle hints all over the place. But nothing! They think it's a waste of money. They'd rather buy me a letter-opener or something.  ::)

yes that's their opinion waste of money ... do them a tour on ebay on how much old sets go for .they'll be suprized  ;)
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Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2010, 13:28:32 »
Heh heh don't get me started on THAT particular issue. Thing is, I don't really believe in the hobby-as-an-investment thing: I can't EVER imagine myself selling my collection. So ...
"Company, villanous company, hath been the spoil of me."

Offline WarriorOfToys

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Re: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2010, 15:57:37 »
Heh heh don't get me started on THAT particular issue. Thing is, I don't really believe in the hobby-as-an-investment thing: I can't EVER imagine myself selling my collection. So ...

Never thought of it that way myself...
But it is how I convinced my friends and family that these were a good idea. ;D

(You don't have to believe it.. just make them believe it.) ;)
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