Playmobil has developed a program to award teachers for their creativity in the classroom. The program demonstrates Playmobil’s commitment to children’s creativity – both in the classroom and at home – through an appreciation of the teachers who show them that creativity daily.
Teachers are asked to develop a lesson plan using Playmobil toys and can visit for a complete listing of all Playmobil themes. The lesson plan should display how the toys would be incorporated into a lesson plan on nurturing a child’s imagination.
Unfortunately for me, I went to the “special” school- The one where all the teachers had handcuffs in their drawers, and an unwritten prerequisite for employment was prior law enforcement, corrections, or militry service.
Still I’ll pass this around to my son’s school (nothing like my schools were) and see if anyone’s interested.
(I know an advertising gimmick when I see one- That doesn’t mean I disapprove