Dear friends!
Today I visited an exhibition in Hamburg called
First of all, I can really recommend this exhibition as they tried to reconstruct the tombs of Tut as good as possible. Basically, they made repliques of everything Carter found.
Why I am bothering you with this? Well, because of two reasons:
- They had Playmobil in the exhibition souvenir shop. Of course the ancient egypt theme only. No special sets, not even the papyrus bookmark I hoped to get there... And all this stuff for exorbitant prices...
...but they had playmo at the museums store. Just as we (martin) recommended it several times here.
- I almost fell out of my shoes when I saw a board game that they found in the grave as well. It was the game Senet and it is the game that you can play on the playmo webpage as well (The Nile Game). I was not aware that the nile game is a historical correct replique of probably the oldest board game in the world, dating back to 3500 b.c....