I have the most recent version of Firefox and I use it to visit PF about 99% of the time.
I haven't changed any settings on the forum since it was upgraded in 2007, so I'm baffled as to what could be causing these sudden changes in usability.
I don't want people to feel compelled to stop using Internet Explorer, but I don't know if there is another easier way around the problem. I will have to look into it at the SMF support forum.
I am using a Mac and firefox. It is an old version and I have done nothing to upgrade any software for years. It really happens and is annoying when it is a long post with picture link info in it that scrolls across the window.
I'd be interested to know if your posting problems continue after upgrading to the most recent version of Firefox, Ras. It only takes moments to do this, so I would advise giving that a try.