hi ras
i love the scene, i am ready to move into the cabin, maybe just a week or so for r and r.
some other ideas for lighting. off camera flash is the only way to go, and bounce to eliminate the glare. if you place a white poster board over your scene if you are not in a white ceiling-ed room that might work as well. also try doing a flash compensation on your old camera. there might be a setting to decrease the intensity of the flash, ie +/- .3 to 2.0. when you take a portrait of someone umbrella shaped refectors can be used to bounce light and various angles, a white umbrella will give white light etc. the other lighting used in a portrait is a light box, it fits over the flash and is a giant white fabric covered box. you might be able to achieve the same effect of diffusing the light by putting the flash behind a piece of porous white fabric. they are usually made out of white taffeta. studio portrait photographers usually have these placed at the 8 and 4 o'clock positions, actuallly a combination of bounced, filtered box and reflected light is often used, to create non-directional light. if you are having a problem with the color, make sure your white balance is set for the type of light you are using, fluorescent vs incandescent etc.