Photography, set design and lighting by Tiermann. Set layout, animation and story by Tiermann and Martin

The pirate crew have wandered into a clearing in front of a ruined temple of great antiquity.
They gather round for a discussion.

Count: You know what I'm thinking? Temple begins with a T...
Hakim: and Treasure begins with a T too...
George: So to get the treasure we need to go in the temple?
Luke: I don't fancy the look of that scarecrow. I think it's watching us.
Chavez: Señor Luke, eet's just a scarecrow, eet can't hurt you.
Sam: .....

Count: treasure, treasure, treasure... here we come, yum yum yum...

Witch Doctor: Wugga ugga ugg! [I say, visitors, what an unexpected pleasure]
Count et al: EEEEK!

Witch Doctor: Ugga Wugga Ugg! [Delighted to meet you, I am Ernesto, do please introduce yourselves]
Count: Back away slowly guys, don't do anything to antagonise them.

Witch Doctor: Ugg Wugga Ugg! [Well my friends, we were just thinking of having a little picnic, would you care to join us?]
Count: Shiver my sneakers, how many of them are there?
Sam: .....

Count: OK, it's time to... RUNNNNNN!
Witch Doctor: Wug Ugga Wugg! [Oh, I say, here comes cook with the teapot, lovely]

Count et al: Help Help!
Witch Doctor: Wugga Wugga Wugg! [you can't stay? What a shame, we so rarely get visitors]
Cook: Ugg Ugga Glug! [It's Daerjeeling, the champagne of teas! Nothing more refreshing in the jungle! I'll be mother.]

Pirates: (receding into the steamy jungle)
Witch Doctor: Glugga Wugga Blugg! [Well they did seem like nice fellows, if a trife hysterical]
Cook: Jugga Blugga Ugg! [Gather round everyone. Bubbles has made some cakes too]

Natives (chorus to drum roll): Ugga Bug! [The brew that cheers, that cures life's ills, drink it all up, and please no spills]
Bubbles the chimp: Grunt hoot screech [Hot dogs ready soon, and do have some banana cake]

Some time later, a few miles away...
The Black Count: That was a lucky escape, but I sure got thirsty running away
Luke: Did you not drink from that puddle we saw on the way?
Chavez: That was no puddle of water, Señor Luke, that was monkey-pee.
Luke: Monkey-pee? Bleuch!