Hi Lars
I just completed the survey , very interesting and well set i must say. Because of my job i have supervised and steered the creation of revised customer questionnaires for all our global customers and i think i know someting about Questionnaires.
I have been buying playmobil since 1978 and with over 3000 Klickies in my collection i think i must say that Geobra should encourage feedback panels for new designs, competitions for bespoke designs nad many other things . Within corporate social responsibility which i assume Geobra is also taking seriously as all mlultinationals should do , they should do such things for one of their key stakeholders groups, customers and more specifically dedicated , logn term customers who probqably spent much more than the adhoc parents who buy a set once in a while. they should have lists of such customers , sent them cards and invitations to venues and events organised by geobra, i bet they would also sell a lot in such events
Pass these to geobra and since i am also involved in corporate social responsibility I am happy to discuss the above anytime more ...
Kind regards