Welcome Lee! I hope you enjoy the little world of playmobil!,
together with the little ones at home.
I consider myself privileged to have grown up with playmo!
As you said, the fact that the characters aren't named already by the media is wonderful for the imagination, because kids can make their own worlds and characters, find out what they like.
It's wonderful to have klickys from childhood, and I'm sure they'll all be very grateful for that, in the future!
as well as you'll have your fun, too, if you will. And your wife.
So, welcome, enjoy, ask, share, Playmofriends is a wonderful place for adults too!
besides we have a couple of children around
(some, less than 15, others more than 70
some who are trying to leave childhood in his 30s -- that's me.)
(I'll leave childhood, all right, but never again will I leave my playmobil, that I can say! )See you around!
Rio de Jan.