
When looking at a scene or set what would most people prefer?

pure playmobil original set only?
2 (8.7%)
Original set with extras from other sets mixed in?
10 (43.5%)
Heavily customised sets where playmobil has been chopped & painted?
5 (21.7%)
A mix of non playmobil & playmobil items?
0 (0%)
Or not bothered as long as it looks good?
6 (26.1%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: Customising Playmobil what do people like best? Can you go to far?  (Read 7074 times)

Offline Sylvia

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I also voted for the last option.  :)

I don't dislike seeing non-Playmo parts in dioramas. So long as they are on a scale very similar to the Playmobil figures, they usually don't look out of place to me.

Sometimes the part you need to finish a scene doesn't exist in Playmobil. The very clever customizers can usually create their own by modifying existing Playmo parts, but Sylvanian and Dollshouse miniature parts can look equally good.

As far as customizing Playmobil goes, so far I've sawed, glued, painted, and added parts to figures with modelling compound.

I do prefer my own klickies to still retain most of their original Playmobil features. I feel the simplicity of their shape is part of their charm, so I try not to alter things too greatly.

Offline Tim_w

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Hello Emma,

I voted for chopped and painted, as its the closest to what I do myself. However like most people here I also have a set of rules that I follow when customising. The most important rule is using as many original Playmobil parts as possible. I would estimate that my custom's contain somewhere in the region of 98% Playmobil and 2% plastic stock. If I am going to make something the most important aspect for me is getting it to look like it has been produced by Playmobil and to keep in with their 'style'. I do this partly for my own satisfaction, but I think it is a fitting way to honour Playmobil for producing such a high quality toy. If I was going to make a piece of machinery like a steam roller I research the 'subject' fully before attempting to recreate it. I gather hundreds of different pictures of the 'real thing' and try to get my head around how it actually works. Once I know how it works I can also make my Playmobil vehicle work in a similar but more simplified way. I firmly believe that if your going to customise something NEW out of Playmobil you should do a really good job from the start. I often see custom's on other forums that are thrown together just so the person can claim the idea for themselves. If someone has allready made something that I was planning I tend to steer clear of creating this again. This is partly so that I can't be accused of copying, however frustrated some attempts leave me. If on the rare occasion I do recreate someones 'custom' I ALLWAYS give them credit, without fail. Its a sort of gentlemans agreement that I like to stick to ;).
On a final note I feel its worth mentioning that I never pass off any of my creations as Playmobil and I would never try to sell them on Ebay either as custom's or original Playmobil. Customising for me is a challenge, its being able to make unique things that interest me out of the toy I love  :wave:.



Offline Bill Blackhurst

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I'm afraid that there isn't a category I feel comfortable voting for! It mainly comes from the guilt of trying to keep things as original Playmobil as possible, but also seeing how some people can create some really beautiful custom dioramas, & vehicles using all kinds of different methods! I judge each creation as a case by case evaluation. Only recently I personally have been leaning toward customization of figures, & just adding custom parts to Playmobil items, but I try to follow a self enforced firm rule to be able to return it to its original form in the future if I want to, except for the figures that are usually permanently altered! I will only design, build, or use something non original Playmobil from scratch, if Playmobil does not manufacture anything comparable, & is not available through DS! I have mixed feelings toward mixing Sylvanians, or doll house items with original Playmobil, especially if Playmobil offers a comparable part themselves, but seeing how people have done so many beautiful dioramas combining these different manufacturers, it's difficult to be negative toward the finished results. I try to use as much original Playmobil as possible, & try to resist using non Playmobil if any way possible.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 13:15:57 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Emma.J

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Hello, :wave:
thanks every one for answering my questions its great to know what you all think.

From Tim,
If on the rare occasion I do recreate someones 'custom' I ALLWAYS give them credit, without fail. Its a sort of gentlemans agreement that I like to stick to .
On a final note I feel its worth mentioning that I never pass off any of my creations as Playmobil and I would never try to sell them on Ebay either as custom's or original Playmobil. Customising for me is a challenge, its being able to make unique things that interest me out of the toy I love

I think what you've said about giving the original idea thinkers credit for a new build is very nice, but I didnt think I'd let it put me off having ago unless of course they done it so well it puts you right off trying - as you cant improve on perfection.
I'm not a proper customise as you and many others on here are so what would you all feel like if someone tried to copy your idea? Would you be flattered that you had inspired them, or just a bit miffed they'd taken your idea themselves?

I mention this as Tim says he wouldn't sell his custom work would anyone?  ???

When I first saw MacGayvers site and his custom ships and cars then saw the Wolfsberg pics I'd have loved to have bought some for my collection ( ;)sorry for keep mentioning Mac's work as its the only site I found apart from the garden wargamers one and I've followed his work for years).
If people like me who'd seen the great work all you customizers do but have only recently come to collect playmobil didn't try to copy everyone else's designs how could we get a chance at owning such wonderfull things?
But saying that I don't blame anyone for not parting with it,  I had a go at doing a ship and I'll be the first to admit its not that good but I had so much fun and I did learn from it that I don't think I'd really want to sell it. Its a labour of love. :love:

So I understand what you mean about customising for the love of it , I don't do cars and figures but the amount of times I've rebuilt the Victorian Mansion and the Palace is too often to think about. I love trying to come up with better shapes bigger rooms more of them, what would be the best way of fitting everything in Id want.

On that note I have seen a fab house with wings coming out from the front of the house called Rivermead Manor is the builder a member of this site because I'd love to know  how they've done it . The only way I could see was to cut down the bases and alter the corner joints. Has any one else done this? I've a design in mind for a super giant mansion with a ball room and servants quarters etc and I'm trying to see how best to make an "L" shaped floor.

Improvise, adapt, overcome ..... If all else fails FAKE IT!

Offline Gepetto

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Hello Emma,

I think it is nice to credit the originator of an idea but ideas are not cast in stone, I think trying to emulate something you have seen or heard about should be flattering to the originator of the idea as long as you do not try to pass it off as your own original creation. Part of the beauty of the hobby is that we can all learn and build on each others experiences and perspectives and Macguyver is the embodiment of this sentiment. I would never have thought it possible to build a Chinese junk with Playmobil but there it was and a sampan too! Ralf Gamein (?) has done incredible things using only Playmobil parts which encourages us to try and recreate his figures.

For some people the challenge ends when the custom is done and they don't mind parting with it to start another project, to others the process is what is important and the custom whether executed to their satisfaction or not is a memento of sorts of that journey and would not be parted with for any sum. On that note, the new posts by Tricorne Jock and his Rome diorama are not to be missed and I wonder if you have seen the (in)famous Opera House diorama?


Offline CountBogro

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mmm difficult one, actually.

I think that I have two guidelines. One for me, and one for all others.

My guidelines "For all others" are rather simple, actually. Anything goes as long as they enjoy themselves. I hope that they don't mind if I personally dislike some of the things that have been created; but that's my own personal taste and that may never hamper anyone else.
I've seen wonderfull creations using "everything but the kitchen sink". So ... who am I to argue  ???

For myself, I am rather a purist, I'm afraid. Only Playmobil items or altered Playmobil items go in.
I wouldn't mind to cut and glue and sandpaper anything I have into something wild and new ... but I'm rather attached to the sets I've got and am not really able to buy seconds or more of the sets that I would need. Besides ... I lack the nerve. I admire MacGayver for his guts to do the thing he does. It's realy amazing to see him work and create.
Plenty of ideas though ... so who knows...
The other side of my argument (that only goes for me) is that Playmobil is somewhat naief. It makes the world rather abstract. It simplifies it. I like to see that in the customs as well. So, no life-like diorama's for me. I like my displays to be in the same abstraction as Playmobils.

But that's just my taste and my own 0.01 worth.

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline playmofire

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And a very good 0.01 cents worth, Mark.  I agree with you that there is a certain naive charm with Playmobil (something which I think is getting lost as the newer sets become more and more detailed and realistic) and for that reason people should not be afraid to make simple customs and show them.  A simple custom using only a few changes between items can be very effective and very elegant.  In other words, there is a place for customs across a wide range of work and detail, from the simple ones to the very complex and detailed ones like macgayver and Tim_w make. 
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Offline CountBogro

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Couldn't agree with you more, Gordon .  :love:
... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline noodwachter72

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Hoy Emma
There ill be with  another aim to custumaisen, its mine require differently.
Firstly I make diorama’s to learn and for muceum to look at.
 And later I am collect fire truck’s and  car’s of the thw  and personeel.
 I make use of all materials which necessary and possible are this way get real efekt, therefore also wood and alluminium beside plastic and rubber.
My diorama’s (to see the photo page) to be activities of the dutch civil defens and fire brigade.
My collection they the cars and staff of the firebrigade and the thw  and I get those  as closely as possible to really driven
therefore  I voted for chopped and painted,

Sorry for my poor englisch

groet Peter
the imposable wy do direct
wonders take some time