Author Topic: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour  (Read 13085 times)

Offline Donmobil

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2009, 02:15:15 »
If this event will be next year at all ... (I've read that due to less expected visitors the organizers are not willing to continue this event anymore)

Can anyone tell more on this?  What happened with the 'visitors'?  Will there be a Wolfsburg next year?

-- Donmobil

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2009, 08:28:52 »
What an awesome harbour set up, congratulations Arizzo and Sascha! Absolutely breathtaking, I'll be looking at the pictures for hours noticing new details.

Does this event get any support or recognition from Geobra? This is the sort of thing they really need to show interest in, even just one juliro sales executive turning up for a couple of hours to chat with the contributors and the public, to see what adult collectors are doing with their company's product, and to find out what they can do to encourage more sales. The single biggest set I know of using this colour of wall is the 5727 Pirate Dungeon, and there are a lot of parts in your layout that I didn't know even existed.

I can only imagine the hours and the energy required for planning, ordering parts, designing the layout and each of the buildings, practise set-up, packing and transporting, re-setting up and then the breakdown afterwards. Most of us have done some small scale layouts, but rarely anything on 1/10th the scale of this colossus.

It's a great shame that the 4294 Lighthouse was designed with the apparent intention of preventing it from being used in such a set up. At the time of release I was in the camp arguing that it didn't need to be modular, but now, if I haven't before, I'm eating a large wedge of humble pie and admitting it should have been made with System X.

The recent trend of for Playmobil buildings that stand alone, and CANNOT be connected to anything else, may not stop avid collectors from creating such massive dioramas, but if they have to use the modern sets (e.g. Egyptian buildings, the lighthouse or the Dragonworld towers) they'll become displays of collections of small sets, and not a massive, integrated whole.

Offline macgayver

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2009, 10:05:32 »
This was the last convention in Wolfsburg

This event is organized and financed by one couple supported by their family

It was the 4th convention and for the first time Playmobil showed interest
but still is not getting involved

Frank and Karin organize this for the fun and not to make money
The german playmocommunity is like a big family on such events , it's amazing how we deal and help eachother on such events and it is allways nice to see eachother again
it's hard to explain if you have not been there

Frank allready told before the convention took place it was their last convention in wolfsburg

The amount of vistors are supposed to pay the costs from the convention
and that didnot happen , too few visitors
it's no longer fun if you start loosing money

the why ? I 'm not shure but it was great weather so people prefer to enjoy the weather , and the world crisis , a lot of people I personally know were not there because they couldn't afford it or their private life didnot permit it

never forget it's a hobby and not something primar in life

I'm happy for myself and Rapunzel we could keep our promise to Frank and Karin
we had a great time meeting old faces again
And happy we created such a great team to build our story

For us it was an adventure that took us 1.5 year wich we tried to share with all of you in my preparations page on my site

I'm still busy going throug all the pictures we took or I became from other members

to be continued .......

all the best
One picture say's more then a thousand words ;)

Offline Gepetto

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2009, 00:30:12 »
Yes, I am ....  ;)

you can see me (and my wife) on several pics shown here in this thread ...

(Hafen CK-13 for example ...)

Thank you, it is always nice to see actual people to put with names. Thank you Marc and Saskia for taking the time to attend and set up such a magnificent diorama!  :wow: :wow:


Offline CountBogro

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2009, 04:35:03 »

Thank you, it is always nice to see actual people to put with names. Thank you Marc and Saskia for taking the time to attend and set up such a magnificent diorama!  :wow: :wow:


erm ... I have to correct you there, Gepetto. Saskia and I were only there as visitors. The display was made by Arrizo and co. - not us.
and ... erm ... we aren't in the pictures either. I allways try to prevent that.
... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Gepetto

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2009, 00:17:45 »
My apologies Count! I misunderstood a previous post, but I am glad to have seen Arizzo and his wife and my thanks to them for all their efforts. Also Count to you and Saskia for going out to support the event!


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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2009, 23:19:35 »
Well done  :wow: !!!

Very impressive and it must be so much fun to play with...I loved the Pirates Ship when I was a kid...

Karim ;)
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline leefert

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2009, 23:39:54 »
Thank you for sharing your great Harbor Display! 
I'm glad that I'm not the only one :)

Offline Arizzo

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Re: WOB 2009 Port Royal Harbour
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2009, 00:54:57 »
This was the last convention in Wolfsburg


 :woohoo:  :woohoo:  :woohoo:
This was NOT the last convention in Wolfsburg 
 :woohoo:  :woohoo:  :woohoo:

after 4 weeks of constant daily flattering the organizer & his wife - they finally quit ....  :lol:

the next convention will take place in NOV 2010 ...

I hope we will see some of you guys from across the big pond THEN !!!!

You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters. hehehe

Well I haven't written much lately, you say?
So what! Neither has Shakespeare!