Hi everyone

I got into Playmobil while I was stationed in Germany 93-96 and we were especially taken with the knights and trains. While there, I bought the two steam engines and several cars and when the children were younger we used to build large Christmas displays together. My wife and i have continued to buy various sets through the years and have amassed quite a lot with the plan to build a Playmobil G scale village. We were sad to see the electric train go and missed out on a few things that we wanted to get. Recently I got the Playmobil train bug again and bought a couple of old items on ebay. Unfortunately they did not come with the stickers. They are the crane set 4210:

and the diesel engine 4050:

What I am hoping to get is a set of stickers for each of these. I am particularly interested in the German versions. I know that some of these have multiple languages packed in the stickers so maybe somebody has the remaining stickers lying around. Any help is greatly appreciated.