I have just noticed an excellent feature on Playmodb that I had never noticed before. When viewing a set information page, near the top of the page is a clickable link that says "Show text-only list with quantities" - this takes you to a printable list of all the parts in the set with their part number, name, and, of course their QUANTITY!
Heather, is this new or have I been more than usually dim-witted of late?
No, it's not new... no other aspersions intended! I guess it's not very obvious. Anybody know a good flashing-neon-light Javascript?
A word about the text-only list: it may contain phantom parts, as it says at the bottom. Anything without a quantity has not been confirmed (yet) by the instructions. I keep them in there because (usually) they come from playmobil.de, and may be the newer version of the part on the plans. Then again, it may be the _plain_ version of a printed part - I don't know why they include them! - but the source rules. Then again again, it may be because I haven't gotten around to doing the confirmations yet. Any questions, just ask. Glad you're finding it useful.
Cheers, Heather