Author Topic: "The Pirates' Chronicles"  (Read 10589 times)

Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2008, 05:08:41 »
IV, b

Frenam despairs ... "Oh no!! I'm doomed!! They found me! The remains of the greatest Spanish sailor ever! ... They will kidnap me!! HELP!!!"

ROY It's a bottle of RUM!!! & It's full! How lucky! I could have this as a part of my share, I believe you won't mind! Ar-ar!!
YUYOPAC We'll discuss it later, Roy!
                                                                      I took the statue! Let's put
                                                                      all the stuff on the table!

ROY What it there's something under the table, a passage, flint-knows!
YUYOPAC Yoa' right ... Lets take the table out o' there ...

ROY Oh, nah : There seem' to be nothing under it! ...
YUYOPAC Aye ... Hnf!

YUYOPAC Well, there's this chest, still ...
ROY Aye! Lets take a look at it! ...

YUYOPAC Hold it steady! Hup!!!
ROY It's steady! ... look out for my hand!!
*CHUMP!!-CRASH!!-cling!-cling, ding, ding!*

YUYOPAC A' rigth, it's open!
ROY Good! What's there in it?

YUYOPAC Let' say ...

YUYOPAC This looks good! Take it! See what's inside ... Looks like--

YUYOPAC Candlestick ... Glass, more glass ... A lamp ... Blime! This guy has nothing more??
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 02:58:23 by Gustavo »

Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2008, 05:09:38 »
IV, c

YUYOPAC There's a book in it ... Jim ne'er told of any books ... He spoke of a map! ... There's no map in'ere! ...
ROY I need a table ... Urgh! ...

YUYOPAC Hey! ... What's this book about, anyway?
ROY I don't know ... Don't you know how to read?
YUYOPAC Uh ... No. My sister learnt that part ...

ROY Oh no!, look : the guy's as good as broken! Four silver, one gold ... most of'em, pieces of one! Damn!

YUYOPAC Well ... you know how to count, Roy!

YUYOPAC Lets take it from here anyway! ... C'mon! Take the other things!

ROY Ouch!!! I don't think I can take it all!!! ...
YUYOPAC Shiu! Quiet now, man! I'll peer outside, 'n see if it's clear ... It's almost morning! ...

Frenam dares giving his opinion on the whole matter ... "Well, this place was in need of a cleaning, after all ..."

YUYOPAC It's clear, Roy ... Quickly now!
ROY I'd love to, man ... I can't see!! ...

YUYOPAC Come on!!! Stop grumbling!!!
ROY grmbls&grmbls!!! ...

A little while runs away, & ...

JOE Here we are, Doll! My cosy den!
DOLL (Cosy??? These men, awfff!!!)


Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 19:34:16 »
IV, d

Joe had invited a friend to drink, and make plans for the future ...

& However ...

FRIEND Is this your concept of "cosy", Joe?
JOE Oh hell!!! I've been robbed!!!

FRIEND Rob-- Joe?! ...

FRIEND Aw, I see ... Someone's got to have broken in ... Well, lets take a hand on this mess ...

FRIEND Oh, look how gentle these thieves were -- or uncautious ... They left a penny behind!


FRIEND Well, now, lets wait Joe to recover ... Meanwhile, what's this? ...

FRIEND Tobacco?! Men!! All they can think about
is drinking, smoking and inviting friends to talk at their homes ...

Frenam speaks: "I remember when I first saw Doll Johnson here,
at home ... It was a nice summer morning. Very early! They were
coming back from the night ..."


« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 21:02:28 by Gustavo »

Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2009, 19:48:13 »

"A Map"
Part V


A Gus'
Little Theatre
January 2009

Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2009, 22:03:19 »
(Not the best pictures ever ...
Sorry, we have plenty to learn,
not only in improving equipment,
but in managing lights, as well)


But we do hope you have fun,


Offline Gustavo

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Re: "The Pirates' Chronicles"
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2009, 22:43:53 »
Part V

Davies' boats

Aubrey Carpenter had dealt the acquiring of some boats with Dan Davies. That same morning Miss Keychain was selected to take Carpenter to the boats, and Gus went with them.

(Haven noises ...)

FISHER near barrels, singing "My young love said to meee ... / My mother won't mind
"And my father won't slight ye / for your lack of kine ..."

MISS KEY Excuse me Yuyopac ... We have customers. Move on, aye?
YUYOPAC Oh, well, hmph grbls ...

MISS KEY You may come, mr. Carpenter sir, please ...

MISS KEY Here are your boats, sir!

CARPENTER Where? I can't spot them at the horizon! ...

MISS KEY Well, then, ay ... Perhaps you should look a bit lower, sir ...

CARPENTER Do you call these "boats"??! You've got to be kidding me!!!
MISS KEY Ay ... does he call them anything else? Well sir ... They float ... I think--

CARPENTER It's OUTRAGEOUS!!! I didn't pay THAT amount of money for longboats! And small ones! I expected sails, not oars!
MISS KEY Uhm ... perhaps that COULD be arranged ... A pair of masts, then, might as well be customized--

BLACK PHIL What's going on, Tareja? ...
MISS KEY Never mind, Phil. We're all right, here.
PEGLEG DONALD They seem to be all right, all right, aye, Yuyo? Ar, ar! ...

PHIL Hm??!
FISHERMEN (whistles) ...
CARPENTER I don't think I quite agree, Miss Keychain! I think I'll need to have a little chat with your boss! I'm done with it!
MISS KEY Aw, come on, Aubrey--

CARPENTER If you excuse me! / tump, tump, tump, tap, tap, tap, tap ...
MISS KEY Why is he so annoyed? ...
GUS I don't know ... These are even quite nice boats, to me ...

MISS KEY Mr. Carpenter, come on! ... Perhaps there's a way of--
GUS Hopah! ...

MISS KEY-- fixing this situation! ...
GUS Nice!

Frenam speaks: Carpenter, though, doesn't seem to agree. So, he decided to search for Davies, and convince him that he didn't think that situation had been completely fair ... But then, he found out that Dan Davies had possibly been dealing with his arch-enemy! This made him even angrier.

MISS KEY Mr. Carpenter, please! ...
