"Not a concern except in the USA"( ). What does that mean?
I'm guessing:
Playmobil was required by US law to put the small parts warning in English.
By Quebec law, Playmobil must provide dual French translation for all English print.
But since the English print is only answering to US mandate, Playmobil is recusing itself from the Quebecois mandate for dual French (ergo the explanatory: "Ne concerne que USA")
Very true, but I guess that's why there is one set of rules for the rest of the world, & another separate one for the US, it's called CYA. In all reality, the woman that caused this warning to be imbedded into the lids now, I heard ordered hot coffee in the drive through, & spilled it in her lap while driving away, cha-ching...
My mistake about the nationalist jab accusion. I mistook CYA for "see ya" and thought you were joking everybody wants to emigrate because the US sucks so much. I finally figured it out. CYA = slang for "Cover Your Rasputin" (around here the term is sanitized to "cover your butt" so I didn't recognize the acronym). Yeah, CYA pretty much cripples our culture. We live in a nation of platitudes and chilly hotel hot tubs because somebody somehow will find a lawyer.
About three months ago some clown on the forum was doing the "I'm from Europe, Hear Me Roar" thing and earned the unofficial nickname from me of "Mecha-godzilla" (I don't remember the guy's actual username, "Aerosol" or something). With the Bush administration winding down and the European-approved candidate taking the helm, I'm hoping that Aerosol finds a new pet peeve closer to home.