Sunny made it just right (or, at least, as I had in mind, and thought about doing myself, in time (...)): even the boxes come straight from geobra Brandstäter ... It only brings a sticker by Sunny, in a lateral part of the box; clean job! Very well done!
I might post a picture, as soon as I get one (or two ... or three ...
For the moment, Playmos are still coming through mail.
Early birthday present for Gus?
It would appear, Martin, that this is probably one of the best presents that Gus could have ever received for his Birthday ...
By the way, Amazon (and mail services) gave me a birthday present, too: last order was to be delivered from 9th to 24th June, and it arrived on the 9th sharp! (Last order arrived into the interval, but not so soon ...)
Now I'll have to survive until possibly august without ordering or buying any (unless little boxes arrive soon at stores in Rio, because, until now, only medium-big and big boxes are around ...); a friend of mine is getting married, and I'm the bestman! (A noble reason for the fast
& I just found out that I can't collect boxes ...
Too bad
Well, I'll survive. (Even because I WILL collect them, but will have to disassemble them.)
I'll take the (extra money that will have in the) interval (there will be a little extra money, even with the marriage ...) to get a bigger box and, if I can, a chess table of the right size to play chess with klickys ... I can imagine that I am not the first person to think about it
I've recently spotted the right box, and I already could use some extra space. Especially because of my next order, on August. (Not so many things, but it absolutely won't have room in the two little boxes I've been using.)
If things go according to plans, I'll send for my first timbered house on September!
('Never had one! / Always dreamed about it!)