Playmobil has some weirdisms in the USA.
It pays to order the catalog over the web or phone (even if you receive a catalog with an order).
Playmobil doesn't mail out the individually requested catalog until late spring, but when it arrives, it includes an special ordering insert that comes with coupons. The coupons are bogus--they reflect the web special of the month, but are useful because they reveal future month specials.
In the special insert, there is a discontinued section. The discontinued section isn't completely available off the web--even if you type in the set number (example: Dino Expedition 4170 from 2004 is for sale, but not available off web (EDIT: I mean from the web).
Why not? I had to make a phone order today (alternative: fax) to order the Dino Expedition. Why? (Note: it will become available from the web in August, when it is the "Pick of the Month" and at a 25% discount, according to one of the coupons).
Maybe there's a business plan behind all this. But it seems disorganized. The bright side is that the stuff listed only in the special paper inserts keep me in suspense for a few months until it comes out.