dear richard, the distance between lisboa, the capital city of portugal, and tallinnn, the capital city of estonia, is 3133 km (2058 miles).
the distance between miami and seattle, both in the u.s.a., is 4393 km (2730 miles).
maybe the isolation feeling owes more to culture then to geography.
Thank you for offering such a kind explanation,
Cachalote ...
All three countries (Canada, United States and Mexico) are geographicaly very large areas.
For instance it is 738 km / 459 miles from Washington, DC to Ottawa, ON and 3,147 km / 1,955 miles from Washington, DC to Mexico City, Mexico. However, it is only one step from the US to Mexico and only one step from the US to Canada. The culture of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico are probably a lot more alike than the cultures between most European countries. And, regardless of what some Candians and Americans will lead you to believe, the cultures of Canada and the United States are practically identical ... eh?
Gordon and I are both old enough to remember the lunacy of the isolationism of the past. We are also both old enough to remember the catastrophic results that isolationism and nationalism can produce.
Hopefully, we will all realize that we need not repeat the mistakes of the past!
All the best for a peaceful and productive future for all,