I love the church even more now after seeing it all the way around.
I already was planning on using the large front doors as part of the fairy tale castle to finally give it a proper entrance from the outside (something both version seriously lacked, making them somewhat two dimensional in nature). But there is also a smaller door on the side that would fit in well!
Both these doors are wooden, but they are not rustic looking and they have an elegance to them. They are both placed in white wall sections too, that would fit in the magic castles. I am very excited by this prospect. I do like the new gold trellis doors on the newer fairy tale castle (the only thing I like on the building itself), but they don't really seem like exterior doors to me. Now the castles can be constructed with a proper inside and outside, instead of blending it together.
I can't wait to get the piano for my Victorian house too.