Personal Messages (PMs) are similar to e-mails except that they are located within the forum and you need to be logged in to read them. Only the sender of a message and the receiver are able to read them as the area is password protected.
If a member has chosen to receive PMs, the easiest way to send them one is by clicking on the small green scroll symbol situated at the bottom of their Profile window on any given posting page of a topic. If you go into the more detailed page of their Profile by clicking on the member's name, you will also see a text link which has the same function near the bottom of the Summary, under "Additional Information". Another way to send PMs is by going into your Messages area and clicking on the "New Message" link, top left.
If you have a new PM, it will be visible to you after logging in, via the announcement at the top of the forum page, just above the main menu. It will say something like
"Hey, Sylvia, you have 305 messages (just kidding
) , 1 is new. The quantity of messages is always highlighted in blue. This is a link which when clicked will take you directly to the in-box where your Personal Messages are located.
Members have a limit to the total amount of PMs they can store in their message area at one time. For "Pals" through to "Addicts" the total is 50; for "Masters" the amount is 100. You can keep tabs on the quantity already being stored there by watching the PM level indicator in the left nav menu. If it's nearing the limit, it's advisable to prune them back because you won't be able to receive any more once you've reached your limit. The messages total takes into account the quantity being stored in both Inbox and Outbox, so you should get in a habit of clearing out both areas regularly.
You can elect to have a pop-up window announce your new Personal Messages while you are logged in, or you can select to have e-mail notification. If you want to cover all bases, enable both! By default, a copy of all received messages is saved in your Inbox (of course

), but if you want to save the sent ones you should click the option bottom left on the Personal Message screen (
Save a copy in my outbox) before sending it. However, if you want ALL sent messages to be automatically saved in your Outbox, you can easily configure this (and add the above notification methods) via the "Personal Message Options" link in your Profile area. See attached screenshot for help.