Author Topic: the best way to take clickies apart?  (Read 6454 times)

Offline tanotrooper

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the best way to take clickies apart?
« on: September 22, 2007, 14:39:05 »

i have found these ways to take apart clickies:
-the hans way (knocking on table)
 result: painful hands, takes a long time
 bad thing: getting the legs out with a flat screwdriver, makes the plastic on the torso stress, leaving a white of light coloured mark where the plastic has been stressed...

-garden wargaming technique:
 result: havent tested it out yet
 bad thing: same as above

-macgayver  technique:
 result: works great for new clickies
 bad thing: a nightmare on older clickies (especially the old english soldiers), sometimes damages the head and neck of the torso, painful hands with old clickies...

-sir gareths way
 result: havent tested out yet
 confused: I dont really get how to do it by the pics, could anyone please explain it to me?

What do you think is the best way?

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2007, 22:37:07 »
Hi Tanotrooper

The best method I have found is to wrap an elastic band around the neck very very tightly and then twist. Although sometimes you may need a cloth to grip the head and body. And your wrists will ache after a while, but that just maybe my old age. The only problem with this method is the figures with fitted coats/jackets as there is limited room for the band - Craig

Offline Sir Gareth

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2007, 10:24:00 »
Hi TT,

The method I use is what we call the Spanish method, there is another post here by Socrates that shows you how to.

I find this the best method for not causing damage to your figures.

As you have already found out though some of the older figures are very hard to take apart using any method, so that's when I use my tongs to put more pressure between the head and shoulders to force the head out.

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Offline tanotrooper

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2007, 13:02:36 »
the rubber band technique (spanish) is great! It doesnt damage anything and even works on kid clickies. Yet those 2 bloody english soldiers wont come apart!  >:( I was able to take my green soldier apart, check the custom section for a custom with his parts.


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Offline Erik

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2007, 17:11:47 »
the rubber band technique (spanish) is great! It doesnt damage anything and even works on kid clickies. Yet those 2 bloody english soldiers wont come apart!  >:( I was able to take my green soldier apart, check the custom section for a custom with his parts.


If you're ever near Turnhout,bring them to me-I'll be happy to dismantle them for you...! ;) ;D
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Offline Timotheos

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2007, 02:22:23 »
Tie one-end of a shoe-lace tightly around the klickie's head and tie the other end of the shoe-lace to a door knob.

In a deep karate stance, give the klickie a jerk.

(I learned this off Playmoboard but don't remember the originator).

I like the rubber band idea using tongs better though, and will give it a try.  I want this process to be easy, not lead to sore muscles, mashed hands, or too much sweat.  The doorknob-shoelace method I use can hurt your hand if you don't grip the klickie hard enough and it slips free.  Otherwise, from the karate stance, you can add your hips to the jerk-motion, so the effort does not feel straining.

Offline tanotrooper

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Re: the best way to take clickies apart?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2007, 14:38:21 »
the best and only way you should use is using the rubber band, and if needed use a... how do you call it... ( )

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