To judge size notice that the base of the big tree looks to be the same mold that was used for 4460 - Easter bunny Tree-House and builds on top of that. Someone who has it can confirm perhaps?
Raven may be able to confirm this as she has bought ALL the Ayuma sets
I don't have the Easter Bunny tree house though!
I started assembling the Ayuma sets at 03:30 in the morning (couldn't wait!), and the light was too bad for my poor photography skills, so I gave up on taking photos. I did take a snapshot of it all when I finished, though (complete with an invading Dragons' Fishlegs and a cat in a box):
And also one of the huge amount of cardboard I then had to wonder what to do with.
The big sets are packaged with boxes inside the boxes. (And numbered bags, like Lego.) Nicely organised, but lots of cardboard waste.