It's also nice to see the old ghost Pirates monsters coming back with new colors! Wonder if a hydra or new sea serpent altogether will make an appearance! (The crab is so beautiful :'( !)
Part of me hopes not - thanks to my sister, I didn't get 2 green ones... so we have one of each - thanks to whatever bright soul made the Hercules hydra the same, we didn't buy the set.. Anyways, they are HUGE (I didn't manage to put both in the dio
) that fitting a THIRD one would be a problem.
That said... well.. if they make a different one.. WANT.
They are sooooo beautiful.
However, I worry with all the painted faces and how quickly they could rub off. Guess I better keep standard, molde-face heads around in case of an emergency swap.
Good luck with that. What with the different skin colors, sometimes it is not easy to get a replacement. And worse than rubbing off (we are not 5), I worry about the misprints. It's rare to find a spirit klicky that doesn't look like an idiot, with the eyes printed on the forehead wallet is going to suffer. AGAIN.
Mine too. But please... let's not give them advance warning, ok?
Does no one in playmomarketing check with outsiders to see what their pictures look like before going to print?
(that is abundantly clear)