I shout to the moon about Playmobil's stinginess. Something I've meant to do is take one of those expensive medieval accessory packs (like the joust set) and order it piecemail through DS. I half expect the piecemail order to be cheaper (example: swords and helmets cost 25 cents each via US DS, but the accessory pack runs US$9).
I browse the direct sales catalog and notice that some packs are simply better values than others. I guess it is sort of random how these sets come together?
I think a big problem is that for most folks at Geobra, Playmobil is just their job. It needs to be their religion...
(Actually, I wonder if adult collectors unnerve them a little.
Geobra: Guys, it's just a toy.
Adult collectors (like me): No, Matchbox and Barbie are just a toy. Playmobil is what separates sentient creatures from animals.

The specials annoy me too.
4626, pirate, with cutlass, headscarf, cuffs.
4662, pirate, with cutlass, headscarf, cuffs, pistol, treasure chest & coins
Why couldn't 4626 have a pistol & some loot, or a blunderbuss to even the odds?
4633, knight, with helmet, sword and 2-handed axe
4665, cowboy, with hat, scarf, leg chaps, gunbelt, pistol, rifle, lasso, campfire, saucepan, mug & jug
Does the knight not get hungry?
Of course I'm always going to collect new Specials in my areas of interest, but I might get more if they included a few more bits.
These particular DS packs annoy me the most however, because it's not something extra that could have been included, but something that clearly should be there that's been left out, and one can only assume that either deliberate stinginess or plain carelessness.