Well, if people want realism, I have no idea why they even look at playmobil.. for that, go to 12" Hot Toys
Spot on tahra, I've been thirsting after Hot Toys stormtroopers for years now!
The point I was trying to make was not about realism though. I wouldn't want klickies to be any more realistic than they already are – indeed, I tend to shy away from more sophisticated customizations made with clay, paint, textiles, and so on. Proportions sure are off, but they work both on their own and in conjunction with tools, vehicles, and animals.
When you see a PM construction worker, there's no mistaking it for anything else than a construction worker. The same – I think – cannot be said when you see PM Ghostbusters. Take Venkman and Stantz: if it weren't for the nametags, would the slightly different hairpiece be enough to tell two individuals apart? (Photo from Kastor's Korner)
Playmobil allow a great degree of personalization (changing hair/beard on a klicky sometimes makes a huge difference), but at the same time there's little to make a character which exists outside of the PM world recognizable – even more so with standard heads. Heads like the ones from
Playmobil: The Movie, while unsettling from a certain point of view, might be more suited to movie characters: should they manage to capture a few iconic traits, they'd make it far easier to identify individual characters, even for an untrained observer.
Let's go back to bedrock: given their proportions, Klickies are children pretending to be adults (knights, firefighters, builders) by donning some trademark accessories. This is how Hans Beck designed them [...]
I had no clue about that! I was only aware Playmo-heads are the way they are because eyes and mouth are what children focus on when drawing people.
Truth be told, I can't say I see much of a discrepancy between regular klickies and speedo klickies. There's no radical design differences and the latter allow for customizing opportunities aplenty withouth looking out of place when side by side with regular klickies.