From out of the dystopian hellscape of the current Arctic theme comes this wonderfully classic set: the Eskimo Family! No laser guns, no pink dresses - just regular-looking Eskimos with regular Eskimo gear. It's great! I rank this set up there with stuff like the Greek gods! I also really like the "family set" concept from PM. They should do ones for more peoples.
The package:

Contents of the package:

The manual:

Accessories. Two different kinds of parka hoods! And a nice husky. Not sure about that boat hook. I think a spear would have been more suitable. And why does the daughter have a less warm hat than the son does? So many mysteries in the far North. The spade and axe might not be completely accurate but they are adequate stand-ins for Eskimo snow-cutting tools.

The klickies proper, in three views. I assume their costumes are fairly authentic, but what do I know about Eskimos? The detailing on the children's outfits is wonderful! I do wonder though about the mother's clothing: do Eskimo women wear skirts? Seems to me that would lead to frostbitten undercarriages! But what's a Playmobil set without an oddity or two.

For comparison, here's the Eskimo woman (Eskimette? Eskimeuse?) from Fi?ures Series 10. She's got mother's torso and father's legs and hood. Note too that mother and father have slightly different mittens. I am counting Fi?ures Eskimo as the family's aunt.

About those snowshoes: they don't really fit, they bend when you put them on. I don't like them

Here's an up close shot:

A family shot. The husky is blocking the cooking fire, but take my word for it, it's blazing away, boiling the three fish for dinner. Do Eskimos cook in big iron pots? These ones do!

And a final shot of the whole family out doing some shopping. Mother is getting some dinner while the rest of the family acquire some nice clothing!