Good evenening, fellow Playmofriends.
I remember when I became 7 years old, I got the Pirate Ship 3750 from my parents. From that day, I started collecting Playmobil until my 25th.
All these years I was collecting the western theme, especially north & south army, and knights theme.
At the age of 25 I became father for the first time, and I had to give up my Playmobil room. I had to store my whole collection in my parents house and I couldn`t look at it for almost 10 years.
In 2018 my family and I moved to a larger house, where I became my own Playmobil room. Now, I`m glad to open up all the banana boxes with lots of Playmobil. I`m completely surprised by all the boxes and sets I collected through the years.
These days, I`m cleaning up my collection, and making difficult choices, killing my darlings, to make place for the things I really want to have.
Sometimes I find time to customize some klicky`s, expecially Union and Confederate soldiers. I hope I can show you some of my soldiers and armies soon.