Author Topic: Winterhaven Jousting Tournament - Rules (and explaining how you can participate)  (Read 7752 times)

Offline playmofire

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Yes, I was late rolling too, Gis.
“Today well-lived makes every yesterday a day of happiness to remember and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Offline grangel

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I follow your instructions but i have not received any email until now.Let me know if you received somthing or pm me to do it again.

Thanks for your wonderful job here!!

Offline Donmobil

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The time for the Winterhaven Jousting Tournament The object of the competition is to unhorse your opponent if you manage to do this, you have won the match. (For each pass each combatant rolls two six sided dice and adds the results, the result determines the hit)

(2) Hit Opponents Horse, 0 Points, -1 Honor
(3,4,5) Miss, 0 Points
(6,7,8) Hit Shield, 1 Point
(9) Hit Body, 2 Points
(10) Hit Head, 2 Points, -1 Honor
(11,12) Unhorse, Win, +1 Honor

Group System

The 32 competitors will be divided into 8 groups of 4.Knock Out Phase

There will be 4 rounds to the knock out phase; Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals. People that competed in the same group are only able to face each other in the finals.

You can participate by going to this website

Gls, I have looked over your Winterhaven Tournament rules and wondered at the joust results.  So, I rolled and got my 50 results, so now what do I do with them?

I think that I match up the die winners matching say 11's with 11's, 5's with 5's, etc..?

Then for each match - knight, I roll 2d6 and consult the results table.

Then make-up a paragraph explaining how each knight in the match did.  I keep this up until I have a winner.

I am really not sure how many match-ups I do for the elimination.  Note, in looking over the 2-page chart comparison, I have 14 of these knights and will get the new Jousting knight sets coming out.

You state you took 32 knights and put them in 8 sets of 4.  I call these matches A, B, C, D.  So does each knight fight in 'A', for example, fight all other knights?  The same with knights in B,C,D?

Getting the Jousts results I understand, it is the 8 sets of 4, I am confused about.

I really enjoyed the Winterhaven Tournament and will try this on my own to 'try my luck'.  I will use the knights I have using their pictures since most of my Knights are still packed away.  I await your comments.

-- Donmobil