Secondly...this pirate. Now maybe you would say..that has got to be one from the Pirate Color Playmobil set or something, as he's all white. Or maybe a custom. But I know that I never owned any color-playmobil and I never customized any playmobil as a child (except for changing hair) where on earth did I get this little guy?
If it has not had its parts swapped around ("customised"), then this figure is from set
3657 issued in 1980/1 and yes, that was one of the Color sets (a 5-klicky pirate set). No other set contains this klicky with that combination of parts and colours (he did have black hair). I can be reasonably certain of this because recently I have been surveying all the early fixed-wrist klickies using Klickywelt's Datenbank-Setinhalt, Collector 3rd Edition and Produkt-Archiv on I cannot pass any comment on whether it comes from a Schaper, Famobil or other such range (but its not Play People).
Otherwise, its a custom, using a hooked arm from a klicky in set
3550 or
3480 (the white hooked arm appeared in only these two sets and 3657 as far as I can tell). In your photo, the arms do look to be a slightly different white from the torso and legs, but that doesn't mean he's definitely a recombinant (custom). Are his arms or head loose (a possible sign he's been wrenched apart at some time in the past!)?
This may not help you work out where he came from! Perhaps someone dropped him in with your other figures one day, or perhaps he travelled through a freak worm-hole in the space-time continuum (silly)!
Best wishes