Author Topic: Removing Permanent Ink stains?  (Read 2109 times)

Offline Scribbler

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Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« on: May 24, 2013, 21:04:17 »

I'm asking all out there if any one has had success with removing what I think is permanent marker on Playmobil Color pieces?

I also removed permanent marker ink off the underside of an elephant. (Previous Owner wrote their name in permanent marker, came off easily with the eraser).

Mr. Magic Eraser worked for this one, got the worst of the black ink marks off the two Playmobil Color tigers (as the previous owner decided to color over the colors with black permanent marker that makes the poor tiger look like a burn victim).

Tigers still have hard-to-reach black (burn) areas and faces as well as a light gray shade after vigorously scrubbing with Mr. Magic Eraser to turn black to light gray. Any suggestions on getting the rest off? (There is also orange marks that Mr. Magic Eraser couldn't remove as well.)

It doesn't have to be pristine white as I'm going to re-color those tigers properly. Just light enough that I can color over without them looking like two burn victims.


Offline basilsdad

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Re: Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 22:11:47 »
I was helping out at school yesterday and was asked to remove perminant marker from some laminated cards.  I was shown that if you color over the marks with a dry erase marker and then wipe it off while it is still moist, the mark would be removed.  It sounds counter intuitive, but it worked.  I haven't tried it on PM figures, but it is worth a try. 

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Offline Ismene

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Re: Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 22:14:05 »
I've had partial success with the dry erase marker method. You have to wipe it off immediately. A bit of toothpaste or baking soda with a touch of water might help as well. You could try cleaner for glass stove tops. I haven't used it on permanent marker, but it works well for removing prints.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 22:19:44 by Ismene »

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Re: Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 18:24:18 »
Thanks, will definitely have to try these methods. One is bound to work, right?  :)

Will let you guys know when the tigers can leave the burn unit at the hospital - ha!

Offline basilsdad

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Re: Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 19:17:06 »
Good luck!
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Offline Scribbler

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Re: Removing Permanent Ink stains?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 22:19:30 »
The tigers have now left the burn unit at the hospital. Faces still a bit scarred but they could be battle wounds from when they share their survival stories with the other animals in the circus menagerie?

They're now grayish white with some stubborn black streaks here and there (mostly at the joints) but not too concerned as they can pass off as stripes.

Used the baking soda method, the vinegar method, Mr. Magic Eraser with both methods, and some sun-bleaching to do the trick. Thanks to all who offered suggestions - much appreciated! The tigers say thank you as well. They are more than ready to get back to the circus!