One more thing, since the thread is about the 5814 pirate set has anybody noticed anything odd about it?
It doesn't contain 11 pieces? 2 klickies, 2 hats, 2 swords, 2 pistols = 8. I guess you could pull off the red guy's swordbelt and make it nine.
If that's the answer, the Roman set 5817 also doesn't contain 12 pieces as advertised. 2 klickies, 2 helmets, sword, shield, trident, net, cape. You could remove the crest on the helmet to make 10, and the gladiator's bracer to make 11 - that's still not 12.
I'm still not keen on the red pirate's face in the 5814 pack.
As for how to open the blister pack without damage - I can't. I cut around the back of the blister with a very sharp knife, but it's not undamaged after that.
I dislike blister packaging generally, especially really tough packs you need a sharp knife to get into. I've bought torches (flashlights) and penknives in these sorts of packs on trips to the USA, and once you've ripped/bitten/sliced them open, you need a sit down and a cup of tea to recover your equanimity.
I think the idea is to reduce in-store pilfering.