nobody else could possibly care
Well, there's nowt so queer as folk (as they say in my homeland of Yorkshire), but there are at least two of us now who are interested in such things!
Thanks for the informative reply, Heather- and the list of sets with 40 part numbers. We have a couple of these 'from new' but I hadn't noticed the 40 numbers before.
Of the 22 sets which contain parts with 40 numbers, only two sets have them in significant numbers:
4443 - Piraten-Schatzinsel zum Mitnehmen (28 part numbers) and
5950 - Pirate Ship, White and Red (34 part numbers). Perhaps these parts were an experiment in outsourcing manufacture to another company, though one set is from 2007 and the other from 2011 as far as I can make out.
The other 20 sets have 1 (16 sets), 2 (3 sets) or 3 parts (1 set) with 40 numbers.
Apart from sets 4443 and 5950, the 40 part numbers are restricted to the following parts:
- shiny gold nuggets (1 set)
- laptop (1 set)
- cannon rack (1 set, also in 4443)
- globe on stand (2 school sets)
- motor for boat (2 sets)
- electronic light units for vehicles (4 types, 8 sets; 3 of these sets had the 40 part in later versions only, I surmise)
- 8 klickies (4 girls and 4 boys) appearing in 6 sets, 4 of them micro sets
This is a puzzling list. If PM is having parts manufactured elsewhere (e.g. China) or outsourcing to other companies, perhaps the 'electronic' parts (motors and light units) would make sense, but the laptop and cannon rack make less sense. And the 8 Klickies are quite surprising given the investment in plant and machinery for manufacturing these in Malta (and Germany?).