you know , i don't like oportunist (they read the forums so maybe they will be more quiet if sometimes theses little things are known , doing the ostrich with little things would made big things .... ) I'm happy to see few person who like my "way of doing customs" and who get inspiration on my customs and i like to see what they do and speak about it .
i just read again this post (nothing compare with the ebay pseudo ! ) , of course you do it first . i know i could sometimes be boring with that but i think when you had an idea ( it's always after other people ), it's a basic respect for me to say or write who help you to do what you do. If i had one day the idea to do a asian dio (when i will be old ...) , sure i will copy your asian legs (not for sale !) but sure i will write somewhere if i show theses hypotetics pictures where the idea comes from
It's sad you can translate spanish (i understand well know (thanks the playmo !) but i can write well ) , it's a good forums with a lot of nice people and you could probably met there people to share your method to add vynil on playmobil . You know i sometimes goes to klickywelt , i just look the pictures , i really can't understand german even with a translator !!