Author Topic: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!  (Read 1833 times)

Offline PlaymoZoo

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« on: August 31, 2012, 15:34:37 »
I was just checking the internet when I spotted a strange colt/foal version 2.
It is white with brown manes (I thought they were a diffrent color than the zebra foal), it's hoofs weren't colored, and strangely it had four stripes on his forehead, like a zebra! It didn't look as a repaint, and the oddest thing: I couldn't find it on Animobil :hmm: ??? :hmm:
Is it a mistake of playmobil?

I'd like to hear from you!
PlaymoZoo :wave:

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 15:56:52 »
It would be better if you could attach a picture to your post to know of what you are talking about better  ;)

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Offline PlaymoZoo

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 16:01:29 »
Thank for the tips.
Here is the photo. The foal is the one in the upper right corner.
PlaymoZoo :wave:

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 16:07:54 »

Is it a mistake of playmobil?

Playmobil does make some assembly and production mistakes...
Tim could answer this, is there a white foal? then, it may be the case that the assembly machine at the factory placed a zebra foal's head at a regular foal body... or ... is this a picture from an ebay listing? the seler could have placed the zebra foal head on the regular body to make a sale...

Offline PlaymoZoo

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2012, 16:17:20 »
Tim could answer this, is there a white foal? then, it may be the case that the assembly machine at the factory placed a zebra foal's head at a regular foal body... or ... is this a picture from an ebay listing? the seler could have placed the zebra foal head on the regular body to make a sale...

The strange thing is: If PM made a mistake by placing the wrong head on the wrong body, how is it posible that the white foal body has a brown tale (there are no white foals with brown hair) and why are there just two stripes and no brown nose on the "zebra's" head?
So many question :lol: Oh,  and it isn't from ebay....
But thanks anyway :)
PlaymoZoo :wave:

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 16:48:47 »
Anyone? I probably end up buying it anyway :lol:, but I still like to know if someone knows something about this strange animal. Tiermann maybe? ???
PlaymoZoo :wave:

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2012, 18:12:31 »
The zebra foal has stripes all over the head/neck piece, so it is not a regular zebra head. However, it does have a brown mane and tail, so I'd say it's a printing error, and somehow only those few stripes got printed. Probably one stamp/paint gun prints the front of the face, and then others print the sides, and it missed that second step.
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Offline PlaymoZoo

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2012, 18:36:31 »
The zebra foal has stripes all over the head/neck piece, so it is not a regular zebra head. However, it does have a brown mane and tail, so I'd say it's a printing error, and somehow only those few stripes got printed. Probably one stamp/paint gun prints the front of the face, and then others print the sides, and it missed that second step.

Thank you! Like I said, I'll buy it anyway :lol: I don't have an error-animal yet!
Hmm, I like that word... error-animal 8}
PlaymoZoo :wave:

Offline Tiermann

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Re: foal/colt/horse/zebra?!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2012, 20:05:06 »
I agree with Bonnie, it's a zebra foal mis-print. That's just how they are painted Bonnie - a different printing piece for each side and each color with the animal being turned either by a robot arm or a person.