Sitting on the tree stumps with a fire at their feet Ganbar explains to Andar that he spoke the magician today. He also shares his doubts concerning the magician’s sincerity in this matter. Andar nods in agreement. ‘I also never liked him. So you think he’s up to something, but you do not know exactly what his plans are. ’ One thing I know for sure, he wants more power and my guess would be he is planning on visiting those men and find out their secrets’, sights Ganbar. ‘We, or rather you, should go there and befriend these men before the magician does. If we could find out the secret of that axe, we might be in the advantage. Which reminds me, you still have your treasure hidden?’
Andar jumps up and points under a hole in a hill. ‘Well of course I have, it’s right here under this small hill guarded by the spirit of our great forefather’, answers Andar. ‘Can you get it out for me, one of the objects in this treasure has a small history you do not know yet’, says Ganbar.
The treasure is taken out, it contains some rare objects like a gigantic egg, some skulls, even one painted by the big cave painter of old, a shiny clump of some material and something which appears to be some kind of weapon.
He takes out the old shining weapon and explains to Andar that this object is made of the same materials as the axe the magician showed him yesterday. ‘This object is in our family for three generations my great grandfather, which spirit guards your treasure brought this from over the mountains. I realize it must have been made by the same people, we should go visit them as soon as possible to try to befriend them and find out their secret craftsmanship. You should assemble your men immediately and go find this tribe, before the magician does.’ Andar grabs his spear and runs to Gargal his friend .
(to be continued)