After Pynedor mentioned that Tiermann's Dino avatar needed a larger breathing air cylinder, the Dino took that recommendation very serious, & while still wearing the new SCBA he returned to the wizard's work shop. Upon his arrival to the work shop, he exclaimed to them while still wearing his mask, "it nees whoo be huper ized!" Oz, one of the wizard's, was not able to understand him due to the mask he was wearing, waved his wand & POOF! The first picture is of Tiermann being supersized, which is not what the Dino had in mind! Frustrated he took off his mask & said, "Not me, breathing air cylinder!" The wizard's were laughing uncontrollably, to which Tiermann was getting extremely irritated! After the laughter subsided, & the Dino was restored to his normal size, the recommendation was discussed. This is the new improved Dino SCBA that the wizard's finally provided for Tiermann. I hope you like the new cylinder, & so does Tiermann, because he says he's not going back to those wizard's even if somebody doesn't like it!
This isn't what I said, guys! It's a good thing the Dino had a pedicure before this happened!
A left side view of the supersized breathing air cylinder.
A right side view the the wizard's work.
That's the end of this new revision, Tiermann hopes you like it, if not, too bad!