All week there have been rumours going around that either the Chief is up to something or he's going round the twist. On numerous occasions he has been seen to leave the station and go pacing up and down in a corner of a field near the fire station, nobody knew what he was up to, although he had had several muttered conversations with the pilot of the Mercia Fire & Rescue helicopter, huddled in corners or locked in his office. Earlier today he managed to round up most of the firefighters who were just going off shift, after a quick head count he decided that he hadn't got enough people, so he proceeded to round up the paramedics and police who had been at the station taking part in a tri-service training exercise. Another head count told him he still hadn't got enough people so the gaggle of assorted emergency services personnel were told to round up pretty much anybody who happened to be passing by, the result was this

The police stopped a refuse truck and commandeered it's crew, people on the street were persuaded to join in, one family relaxing with a garden barbecue had a surprise when firefighters heads appeared over the fence and were somewhat relieved to discover that they hadn't come to put out the barbecue but "just needed their help for a few minutes." The chief led the assembled throng to the corner of the field at which point the helicopter arrived and began circling. The chief wandered around muttering to himself, placing people here & there and when he seemed satisfied the helicopter flew a couple of circuits and he thanked everyone for their help and said that they could now go. Oh, yes, almost forgot, the camera on the helicopter caught this image in the corner of the field

Thanks to naflibomyalp, when you posted your Olympic Torch Relay pic's we knew we just had to do this one!