Both the bike sets can be found in playmodb... It just takes a little patience and a lot of searching cross-referencing the themes and sets...
Here is the set with your fist whit biker:
3301 - Off-Road MotorcycleAnd this is the second one:
3698 - Off-Road MotorcycleNow, it seems to me that both sets have the same bike but different riders. If you do a google image search on the first set, 3301, you'll find the helmet is indeed one with a green stripe and the ''boeri'' sticker at the back.
As for your policeman, its not easy to say from which original set it came from in the first place, as many klickies match his description in many sets, non-police ones too. If he was from a single klicky set, it may have been this one:
3324x - Policeman / 2 road signsHope all the above helps!