Author Topic: Have any of you seen the small custom houses for Halloween or xmas on ebay?  (Read 2902 times)

Offline Theresse

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Today I won one of those small houses (the mansion kind that's just 2 rooms downstairs plus attic above and side patio) and part of the reason I got it is because I've always been so impressed with those custom holiday scenes that are sold on ebay.  Whoever does those does a beautiful job (or maybe it's more than one person, I dunno).

Do any of you sell such scenes on ebay, and regardless, do you have suggestions?  Do you know of someone who has one or where there are pictures of any?  I'd especially like to add lights and sound if I did a Halloween one, and just lights if I did a xmas one.  I wish I could show you an example but doing a "completed listings" ebay search didn't turn anything up. 


Offline Tiermann

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Try a search of the forums here for them. I do Halloween and Santa Castles most years. This years is in the works. Be sure to check for the Victorian Christmas series of threads in Story Telling by playmovictorian.

My Halloween Castle 2010, and Santa Castle 2009

Interesting - I was looking at the 2009 one and see that it had been 2 years since the previous and I had double the size. It's now been 2 years since than and I have more than doubled the size again. So careful - this sort of thing is addictive.

Offline conniefrere

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Thanks for the links to theae threads!! Great!
:playmo: :egypt: :roman: :builder: :playmo: