Thank you psychdrk, playmoholics, blitzbabe and rom008 for your kind comments and a big thank you to the mods who have organized this new section, this must have taken quite a bit of time.
Building the hospital actually only took a few evenings in real time, but it took me quite a bit of time to plan and execute my DS order for the extra pieces as it was the one and only one I have ever done. As you can see, I used the original floor plan of the hospital with the add-on as it works well for the space it sits in, tall, and as small of a footprint as possible. Tucking in the extra rooms required a bit of shuffling, especially to squeeze in the scrub room in the OR, but it worked. For me, the most fun part was furnishing the rooms, and adding the hustle and bustle of life in a real hospital with all of the klickies. I have grand plans and more pieces to add to the hospital, expanding radiology to include an robotics surgery suite, an interventional radiology suite, as well as physical therapy and the lab. However, time is not in my favor right now, between work and my mom's health so I have had to be content with dusting my hospital, and resetting the klickies from time to time when we have a small earthquake. In the meantime, I get to enjoy all of the great creations on PF.