Author Topic: Ideas for Playmobil to consider  (Read 4798 times)

Offline Indianna

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Ideas for Playmobil to consider
« on: March 17, 2011, 14:32:27 »
Cachalote's recent post, which is quoted below, is my inspiration for starting this thread.  We have had several attempts in the past to consolidate our ideas and suggestions for Playmobil management.   Most recently, the Collector's Club project took precedence and overshadowed most other ideas.  Now that we know the club is moving forward, perhaps we can try again to gather and discuss ideas and suggestions that we hope Playmobil would consider, whether as part of the club or not.

just to give you some ideas i had while reading some of the initial post form the "news" section (it's easy, try it)

on the road official playmobil flea marketusing a couple of big trucks playmobil would try to sell for low prices sets that were a commercial flop or that never reached the market or were returned by some reason (a damaged package, etc.).
big playmobil retailers could aslo embark on this "aventure" with the same goals (emptying their inventories) and could share its cost

free downloadable greeting cards
kids (and kids' parents) are always looking for "digital" cards to use as invitations for birthdays of for wishing good holidays to their freinds and relatives.
if playmobil would fabricate some of these cards and put them on-line for free kids would find a way to get to them.

free downloadable computer (or any other symilar portable) games
in the same way as  explained before.
kids love to share music, video and game files.
they could do the same with playmobil games.

sets only available in shops for 3 months after hey are released
this could be done choosing only some sets.
traditional (non-virtual) sho owners would be happy and they would look at playmobil as an ally.
sometimes they feel it's a little unfair that playmobil's on-line shop is selling the same products they are trying to sell themselves in a rather "strange" competition.

an on-line list of shops selling playmobil sets
through the regional official sites this list could be shown to everyone.
not all potential buyers are willing to buy stuff on-line and kids (who don't have credit cards) aren't even able to do it.
again, this would be a very good way to make shop owners happy and to sell more sets traditionaly.

as martin milner so geniouly said in another thread (filled with ideas, by the way) - -
Every collection starts with one set, so every set sold through any channel is a potential sales multiplier
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Indianna

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Re: Ideas for Playmobil to consider
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 16:07:14 »

A couple of the ideas that cachalote mentions relate to the "brick-and-mortar" shops that sell Playmobil: 
- sets only available in shops for 3 months after they are released
- an on-line list of shops selling playmobil sets

Here in the US, many of the traditional neighborhood toy shops that sell (or used to sell) Playmobil have expressed frustration with the "exclusive" arrangements that Playmobil has with big box stores like ToysRUs and Target (that one seems to be over.)  The little stores often get the exclusive sets long after they have been sold at clearance prices in the big stores plus there has been a problem even getting their orders filled promptly.  Cachalote points out that the online Playmobil store is in direct competition with the small retailers, as well.  I have always felt that the best ambassadors for the Playmobil line of toys (in the US, anyway) are the small neighborhood toy stores where there are often interactive displays set up where children can try out the toys as well as knowledgable staff who steer their customers to high quality toys.

Regarding a list of the brick-and-mortar stores that sell Playmobil, here in the USA (and Canada) the playmobil website has a spot where you can put in your zip code (postal code) and get a list of nearby retail stores.  This feature is useful but, unfortunately, the data is not always reliable - over the years I have discovered several mistakes in my region (wrong address, a store that carries Playmobil is not listed at all, a listed store no longer carries Playmobil, a listed store is no longer in business at all.)  I wonder why they don't just match their dealer list to the list of dealers who actually place orders with them and do so on a regular basis, say every six months.  ???

- on the road official playmobil flea market
In the US, this situation seems to be handled in the "salvage" market.  Leftover, out of season, or discontinued merchandise of high quality, like Playmobil, will often end up at stores like Marshall's, TJMaxx, Tuesday Morning, etc. (though not as much now as in the past, unfortunately.)  There is a lower tier of stores, like Building 19 here in Massachusetts which will get damaged goods and returned items (they have sometimes had lots of Playmobil items that were returns to and  Also, the Playmobil website offers discontinued items, usually at a 25% discount.  In the world of retail sales, it is my impression that once the wholesale order leaves the warehouse, the manufacturer is totally finished with it and doesn't take merchandise back from retail stores(except, perhaps, for defective items) so I don't think Playmobil would likely do a "flea market" type thing other than maybe an outlet store (such as the one in Mississaugua, Ontario.)

- free downloadable greeting cards
- free downloadable computer (or any other similar portable) games
I love, love, love the idea of more online or downloadable Playmobil games and software!  My long-time friends here at PF will remember how obsessed I am with a CAD system for Playmobil, such as was discussed in this thread:  CAD System - Computer Aided Design for Playmobil.  I envision a system which would allow anyone to build any Playmobil design in a virtual world: 
  • All of the existing Playmobil parts and sets would be pre-loaded in the software and updates for new stuff would be available by download
  • Individuals would be able to upload (into their own computer files) all of their actual sets and parts
  • The software would assist in maintaining an inventory of those sets and parts
  • Individuals would be able to design, within the virtual world, any building, any Klicky, anything at all using current or discontinued parts, whether or not they actually possess those parts
  • If there is a point in the design process where a new part is needed (maybe a Steck/SystemX connector, for example, remember this is all virtual so anything goes!) the software would let you design whatever you need automatically
  • There would be an option to change colors and textures within the virtual world
  • Building plans would be automatically generated for new designs
  • After a virtual design is created, a list of parts that the individual does not currently have would be generated.  The list would show which parts are discontinued and which only exist in the virtual world as well as which ones could be ordered from Direct Service
  • Parts that are virtually designed could be reported back to Playmobil as possible future DS parts

U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline cachalote

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Re: Ideas for Playmobil to consider
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 19:02:19 »
:wave: hello indianna,
 :) i am glad i was able to inspire you.
i have talked to sylvia about the possibility of greating a new "think tank" section where all these ideas could be "stored".
when i have news about this i will let you know.
 :-[ i confess i had forgotten about your CAD ideas.
they are the same as mine and that's what made talk with sir pleamo and invite him to be with us.
he has done this using an open software - google sketchup -
if playmobil would be wiser they would hire him to make his work available in the future collectors club.
as i have told sylvia, i think we should maintain our chins up and our chests inflated (2 portuguese expressions) when dealing with playmobil.
giving them our help without expecting nothing on return would be a good way to maintain this snobbish atitude and make them see that they need us more than we need them (and maybe they will believe it's true).  ;)
    honni soit qui mal y pense