As if there isn't enough playmo drifting into Winners and Chapters/Indigo (and there can never bee enough playmo!), here is another possibility for people living in western Canada.
I had posted a couple of weeks ago that London Drugs here is Victoria had a few Playmobil sets. (But nothing in Sakatoon, Wesley
)... well more stores around here haven't gotten sets in - and in this week they are on sale at great prices!
They had the chicken dragon set Dragon Rock 5840 for $15, plus the take-along castle (I forget what the sale price is... maybe $20?) and 4 of the blister packs for $2 (they had 5823 merfolk, 5824 gladiators, 5825 crusaders and 5826 pirates). Obviously I bought a bunch of each - except for the merfolk one which was out-of-stock. At $2 a pack I just hope I don't end up buying all of the sets I find! I did manage to leave some behind... so far.
There appears to be some confusion as to when the sale starts though because after I bought a bunch at one store I went into another and they didn't have anything on sale... said the sale didn't start until Tuesday. So if you have a London Drugs in your area (especially Vancouver and the Lower Mainland - and hopefully in Saskatoon!) check it out this week!