I was burnt out from working on my 3286 custom of the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean, so I decided to take a break and mess around for fun...
I have the MegaBloks version of The Flying Dutchman from the movie. As you may know the Dutchman from this company is made of Lego-style pieces and is not made to float.
Nearly 5 years ago when I bought this ship along side my 3286 ship, I tried to get her to sail by bolting all her lower hull pieces together and sealing all the joints to make her watertight. However, due to the extreme weight of her Dutch-style stern castle with multi-level galleries and super high ornamented (solid plastic) stern, I got her to float, but she could never stay upright.
Having been exhausted with multiple float tests of my stubborn 3286 ship tonight, experimenting with ballasts and different hull configurations, I got to wondering "what if I throw a Playmobil ballast into the Dutchman? So I crudely removed the foremast and the mainmast to gain access to the lower hull and added both the ballast from a 3286 Playmobil ship AND the 3050 ship.
End Result: She floats! With some fine-tuning, I am confident I can get her masts back on and get her stable enough for the lake.
I had her captained by One Eyed Pirate Playmobi# 4662. He was no match for my Big Bertha Cannon, which, while as ugly as it is, is so fun to shoot at Klickies, and sink ships with, as you can see in the video! FYI I was originally working on grafting the dutchman parts over a Playmobil Container Cargo Ship hull.....
Until then, enjoy this video, which is my VERY FIRST time using Windows Movie Maker. Though it seems trifle, it was a lot of effort for me to edit it and coordinate the music (also edited) to coincide with the video and transitions. Hope you like!