Go to playmodb. Select the theme you want. On the theme list section find the set. In the set find the part or accessory you need. klick on it and at the end of the part/accessory page you'll find a URL code that you can copy paste on your post.
You will read this above the code: To post this part on a forum that uses BBCode:
category browser and
text search are also useful for looking for something: you can also sort the results of these by colour, so you can scan through all of
Furniture/Container,Portable and see all the black ones together, or
all the parts containing the word "connector". Keep in mind that a part you think is brown may be labelled "light brown" or "dark brown", for example, but it's still helpful.
Printing is also searchable: try
"flames" for an example.
Try searching for a shape ("round", "curve", "rectang", "triang", "short"), or a bit of the part that's likely to be in the description, such as "clip", "handle" or "socket".
Finally, parts made with the same mold are
likely, but not guaranteed, to be in the same category and have the same name, so if you find an identical item in a different colour than the one you're looking for and it's not listed on the parts page under "Different parts with identical description", have a look in its category.
Hope this helps!