Drought or flood, I guess:
Got some really close-up pix, but I might prefer the blurry ones. On my screen these are 5X life size, and show flaws that are unnoticeable in person.
The bump on her head is supposed to be flame rising. To me, it doesn't read well.
Any ideas on how to modify the shape?
From the pic, the wings definitely need some sanding down... They honestly look OK in person...
I am toying with the idea of painting eyes on. However, eyes on a translucent figure will show from the back, AND the figure is really, really, really tiny, making accurate placement problematic.
This Disney-inspired pixie is much more basic, with simpler (kid friendly) wings and no extra sculpting.
These are simple, cheap casts to make. If anyone here wants to make their own, LMK and I'll post steps in the how-to section.