In Brasil, we don't celebrate this Valentine guy, but the "Santo Antonio" (June 13th, which is June 12th, (mid)night).
Of course, with the years, and people having become less religious, everybody forgot the saint, and there's a commercial date they now (for the last few decades) call "Dia dos Namorados" .. (Boy/Girl)Friend's Day, which became the 12th June, and nobody has the slightest idea that the original day is the 13th ...
Which is the day when people buy presents to their lovers ...
(No problem to me. I'm not Catholic anyway, yakes -- all respect to those who might be, but it simply isn't to me, however I do call myself a follower of the Hebrew god's son ...)
So, what's the Valentine's history, does anybody know that? (I love to learn where traditions come from!