I found an interesting web site that calculates a web sites worth.
playmoboard.com Estimated Worth $2248.4 USD
Daily Pageview 450
Daily Ads Revenue $3.08
The same website estimates PlaymoFriends to be worth $2328.7 USD with a daily ad revenue of $3.19.
Hmmm... the last time I looked we didn't have any ad banners on the site.
It's true we make some money from membership fees but it's not anywhere near $1164 per year.
I wonder where they get their information from.
... I was wondering if some of us could gain rights to that domain to prevent spam ad sources gaining control, to preserve the valuable information that has been submitted through out its existence if it could be done, & brought onto here at PFZ with Sylvia's okay of course?
All of Playmoboard's pages would be contained within a database which only Panos has access to.
Simply buying the domain name does not give one the use of any data held by the previous owner.
I think it would be very difficult to integrate Playmoboard into Playmofriends (even in the unlikely event that we had permission to do so). For starters, we are using an entirely different program. I wouldn't like to try something like this as it could risk damaging or losing our own database.
Best case scenario is Panos fixes his forum and gets it back online.
Second best is that he hands it all over to someone else who is capable of running it.
I don't see either of these happening, but we can always hope.