What an absolutely marvelous idea, Gordon Do you know if it is possible to swap the red roof with the mansion roof to make them match (bearing in mind I have never seen a mansion before so I wouldn't know)I think that building would just need extending by one unit, with the door on the end, as you sayDamo
Thank you, Damo. One unit should be fine. I think the roof might fit, and the dormers, but I wouldn't swear to it.Here are the pieces from playmoDB and they look right. (I am correct in it being the 5300 mansion?)http://playmodb.org/cgi-bin/showpart.pl?partnum=30-05-7160http://playmodb.org/cgi-bin/showpart.pl?partnum=30-05-7160
The roof and dormer units look just like the Steck ones.