Forgive me for it has been many months since I last posted

too busy asking people to import things back to Canada from Europe I guess.
I have since gotten the merpeople imported from Munich
I have gotten the church and the grand piano imported from Belgium
Now all I need is another friend to go to Europe so I can get the theatre stage !
It is too hard to wait until things get here in Canada plus if something is really cool, I worry that it might not ever get here and I should have gotten someone to get it while at least it was out in Europe. Although I am waiting for the Fairy Advent calendar which is
supposed to get here in Sept and I just got the yellow medival house which FINALLY got to Canada Direct Service. However, as usual many things are stil in boxes waiting for an excuse to give them to my daughters so then we can play with them together (although my husband does seem to suspect that I buy them for me)