Well, I enjoyed it too.
It was really an aside from getting the assembly pictures done. I was astounded that getting this set 2nd hand, it still had 99% of the parts and all the original figures, plus of course the box. The only thing missing was the grappling hook which I borrowed from my pirates. Having all the bits, I thought it'd be fun to see if I could recreate the box lid.
I got two of these sets 2nd hand in almost perfect condition and in their boxes, which revealed something interesting - the original shelf prices were $44.99 (at Londons, now I think defunct) and £50 (at Oldrids, still going). I got them for around £15 each. Back when they were on the shelves in the mid-90s I had other interests, and doubt I'd have dropped £50 on one of these sets even if I'd seen them then.