(I believe
EVERYBODY is worried about the world crisis, Mike ...)
Not only Playmobil, but Playmofriends is a bit silent. In every community there's times of lots of talk and cheer, and times of silence. This is a time of silence. People are waiting to see what happens.
Playmobil did launch their last ones, mermaids, ghost pirates, dragons ... So, it seems to be time for selling these stuff, and new things are coming up, in proper time.
I believe there's nothing too different happening than people being a bit more cautious, and thinking "er ... so, what should we do next?"
Perhaps they're finally thinking about collectors, and deciding to relaunch steck castles & houses of the original civil medieval collection ... Which would eventually be very unlucky to me, because, for the next years, I won't have money to buy a single klicky, I believe.
So, this is what I think is making people silent.
I might be wrong ...