Author Topic: question  (Read 2520 times)

Offline mike1003

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« on: April 05, 2009, 22:58:11 »
iam wondering whats happen in the last 2 month with playmobil. somehow it looks like no one sells anymore in bulks from malta. does anyone know anything? does the german central stopped everything?

its really a shame but its more a shame that i cant find any info.

Offline Gustavo

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Re: question
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 02:44:04 »
(I believe EVERYBODY is worried about the world crisis, Mike ...)

Not only Playmobil, but Playmofriends is a bit silent. In every community there's times of lots of talk and cheer, and times of silence. This is a time of silence. People are waiting to see what happens.

Playmobil did launch their last ones, mermaids, ghost pirates, dragons ... So, it seems to be time for selling these stuff, and new things are coming up, in proper time.

I believe there's nothing too different happening than people being a bit more cautious, and thinking "er ... so, what should we do next?"

Perhaps they're finally thinking about collectors, and deciding to relaunch steck castles & houses of the original civil medieval collection ... Which would eventually be very unlucky to me, because, for the next years, I won't have money to buy a single klicky, I believe.

So, this is what I think is making people silent.
I might be wrong ...


Offline Little Jo

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Re: question
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 04:06:24 »
People are waiting to see what happens.

... and that is sometimes the worst thing that could happen.  :-\

Offline CountBogro

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Re: question
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 05:48:26 »
...  People are waiting to see what happens. ...

... and sometimes people are occupied by other events; children; a upcoming churgery and/or family that's been taken ill  :'(

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline mike1003

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Re: question
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 08:54:38 »
oh no.. thats not what i mant. i know theres a crisis goin on.. i knew a lot of cheap ebay seller. all gone. someone told me there was a rumor that playmobil stopped malta seller from selling. thats why i wanted to see if anyone know why?

i dont think that playmobil has probs.

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: question about eBay sales from Malta
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2009, 10:11:42 »
I thought you must have meant eBay Mike, but as you didn't mention eBay in your original post that was only based on the mention of a seller in Malta.

You're right, just now Play-123 has nothing up for sale at present, but I see she has recent feedback, so I think she's just taking a break. I don't think Playmobil can stop people selling Playmobil on eBay, so unless they've cut off her source in Malta I think we'll see more lots soon. She does take occasional breaks, as everyone does.

I've sent her a message on eBay to ask, just in case.

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: question
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2009, 10:56:06 »
Hi Guys :wave:

I regularly buy from this Seller who is, I believe just on a short break to get more stock.

What I have observed though in my Playmobil Victorian Theme field, is that Ebay US is showing outrageously high prices, Ebay UK is still very reasonable except for a new star items such as the fence, the Oldtimer, the Piano Set, etc. and Ebay Germany still sell at very reasonable prices too.

Ebay UK used to sell an average of 50/70 items per day and it has now reached 100+ which reflects the current recession and some good bargains can be made, ie. a complete dining / lounge for 2.95, bathroom for 3.95, etc.

I do not think that the recession will put a stop to highly collectable items, as special items still reach high prices on Ebay as there is a demand for it.

I personally wish I could spend more time on Playmofriends but I have a very demanding job and I could not believe I did not log in for nearly 10 days !!!

We must all do our bit to keep it alive and interesting as part of our role in its community.

Karim ;)
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Offline mike1003

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Re: question
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2009, 14:07:07 »
yes sorry i meant ebay.

well my ebay supplier usually  sendet me figures for 50 to 90 pence .. the brand new ones.. but 5 of them dont sell at all anymore .. and that gimme to worrie. looks like playmobil cut it off

the play123 usually sells for similiar DS prices.. but i was getting my stuff like 1/4 of DS prices.. till 3-4 weeks ago..

hmm.. i still need more unicolored woman in red and brown.. with dresses.. but to pay more then 90pence a piece.. well thats bit expensive.. as i need around 500!


Offline playmofire

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Re: question
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2009, 16:01:07 »
There's always the possibility that there have been "leaks" of figures from the factory and that Playmobil has cracked down on this.  At one time in the Valletta Sunday morning market there used to be a number of people selling Playmobil (you could even order what you wanted!) not as sets but as bags of figures and accessories and these were in effect stolen goods.  Then some years ago the police made a number of arrests I believe (there were posts on one of the boards about it) and now there are virtually no unofficial sellers of Playmobil in the Valletta market (and quite right too).

In saying this, I'm not saying that the sellers on eBay were acting dishonestly (that's if the figures were the result of "leaks" from the factory; they may well have bought the items in good faith.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 16:06:29 by playmofire »
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Offline mike1003

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Re: question
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2009, 17:23:03 »
well i like to pay my fair share, but when i see the differences of the blisters in usa and europe its a shame.. here in europe its nearly 2/3 more as in usa

at target u get a blister for 3 dollar .. here i pay like 3-4 pounds / euros

its a shame!